What Homeowners Should Know About Their Roof

When it comes to roofs, many homeowners do not have a clear understanding of one of the most important aspects of their home. Does this sound like you? To assist, our friends at Severe Weather Roofing, In Denver, CO, have created an infographic to help completely demystify your roof.

Your home’s value and strength are based on the sum of its parts. The foundation, support walls, and roof all work together to keep you and your assets safe and secure. A failure in any one of these parts can lead to disaster.  That’s why it is important to make sure the parts of your home are well cared for and maintained. When considering your roof, it is important to note that your roof is more than just the shingles on top. There are many layers to your roof that all contribute to keeping it in good shape. John Anderson at Severe Weather Roofing and Restoration has prepared an infographic that identifies these other parts of your roof. Let’s have a look at those layers.

Rafters: The Load Bearers

The innermost layer of your roof is the rafters. These are the support beams in your attic that hold up the entire weight of the roof. Usually set at an angle, the weight of your roof is distributed along the rafters down to the beams running parallel to the ground (the “floor” of your attic). These beams then transfer the weight to the load-bearing walls of your home. If your rafters are damaged and become structurally weak, then your roof may sag or collapse. Hazards from water damage to termites can result in structural damage to your rafters. When it comes to maintaining your roof, regular inspections and timely repairs of your rafters can save you a lot of time and money.

Sheathing: The Weight Distributor

Spread over the rafters is the next layer of your roof, the sheathing. This layer is usually made up of plywood or some other flat material that covers and is attached to the rafters. The roof’s underlayment and shingles are then attached to the sheathing. In addition to forming a foundation for the attachment of your roofing materials, the sheathing helps to further distribute your roof’s weight. Sheathing will also bear some of the load from the weight of snow or other environmental elements, taking that load off of the shingles themselves.

Felt: The Buffer

Finally, between the sheathing and shingles or roofing tiles is a layer of felt called the “underlayment.” This layer forms a barrier between the wood materials of your sheathing and the asphalt or other materials of your shingles. The felt barrier prevents moisture build up between these other two layers.

Topping It Off

On top of all these layers will be your roof’s shingles, tiles, or panels. Together, these layers form a protective barrier to keep your home safe and dry. So, now you know, your roof is more than just shingles- a lot more.

In the infographic below, John Anderson of Severe Weather Roofing and Restoration in Loveland CO, helps you easily understand the most important aspects of your roof.

roof shingle options

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